My CV as of March 2024.
My google scholar which is likely to be less accurate but more up-to-date.
Research Areas
This is a selection of publication and presentations grouped by research topic.
Pragmatic communication and convention formation
Veronica Boyce, Robert Hawkins, Noah Goodman, Michael Frank. Interaction Structure Constrains the Emergence of Conventions in Group Communication. PNAS. 2024. Paper
Veronica Boyce, Michael Frank. Communicative reduction in referring expressions within a multi-player negotiation game. CogSci. 2023. Paper Poster
Jess Mankewitz, Veronica Boyce, Brandon Waldon, Georgia Loukatou, Dhara Yu, Jesse Mu, Noah Goodman, Michael Frank. Multi-party referential communication in complex strategic games. Meaning in Context: Pragmantic Communication in Humans and Machines workshop. NeurIPS. 2021. Paper
Replication theory & meta-analysis
Veronica Boyce, Maya Mathur, Michael Frank. Eleven years of student replication projects provide evidence on the correlates of replicability in psychology. 2023. Royal Society Open Science. PDF
Veronica Boyce, Ben Prystawski, … , and Michael Frank. Estimating the replicability of psychology experiments after an initial failure to replicate. 2024. Pre-print
Aaron Chuey, Veronica Boyce, Anjie Cao, Michael Frank. Conducting developmental research online v. in-person: A meta-analysis. 2024. Open Mind. Pre-print
Maze: method for sentence processing
Veronica Boyce, Roger Levy. A-maze of Natural Stories: Comprehension and surprisal in the Maze task. Glossa Psycholinguistics. 2023. Paper
Veronica Boyce, Richard Futrell, Roger Levy. Maze Made Easy: Better and easier measurement of incremental processing difficulty. Journal of Memory and Language. 2020. Paper
Processing of gendered-pronouns
Till Poppels, Veronica Boyce, Chelsea Ajunwa, Titus von der Malsburg, Roger Levy. Bias against ‘she’ pronouns can be rapidly overcome by changing event expectations. CUNY 34 2021. Slides
Veronica Boyce, Titus von der Malsburg, Till Poppels, Roger Levy. Remember ‘him’, forget ‘her’: Gender bias in the comprehension of pronominal referents. CUNY 32. 2019. Slides