
Github pages site for A-maze.

View the Project on GitHub vboyce/Maze

Thought pages
What is A-maze?
An argument for 'redo' mode
New delay feature for 'redo' mode
Experiment design
Parameter considerations

Practical pages
Install instructions
Basic use
Advanced options
Using Ibex for Maze
Hosting an Ibex-Maze Server

Installation instructions for Maze

This covers the basics of installing on Windows, MacOS, and Linux.

Note: Maze needs specific versions of Python and some packages. If you use Python for other projects, we recommend using conda to manage environments so it’s easy to switch between what Maze needs and what your other projects use.


  1. Download the files by going to https://github.com/vboyce/Maze, clicking the green “Clone or Download” button, and selecting Download Zip. Once the zip file downloads, extract the maze_automate folder to the desired location.
  2. Install python3 and pip3 by going to https://www.python.org/downloads/windows/ and selecting under Stable Releases > Python 3.7.7 > “Download Windows x86-64 executable installer” for 64-bit computers or “Download Windows x86 executable installer” for 32-bit computers. Run the installer and complete the installation. (Earlier versions of Python 3 (3.6 etc) may also work, Python 3.8 or newer will not.)
    IMPORTANT: make sure the box that says “Add Python 3.X to PATH” is checked, otherwise you may not be able to use the python/python3 command in the command prompt.
    To check if pip3 is installed on the computer, open command prompt and type either of the following:
     pip --version
     pip3 --version

    Make sure pip3 is updated to the latest version, which could be done using the following command:

     python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip
  3. Install needed packages.
    pip3 install nltk
    pip3 install wordfreq
    pip3 install torch===1.2.0 torchvision===0.4.0 -f https://download.pytorch.org/whl/torch_stable.html

    The command for downloading torch depends on the versions you’re using and going to install, look here for more details: https://pytorch.org/get-started/locally/.

Continue under All Operating Systems.

Mac OS X

  1. Download the files by going to https://github.com/vboyce/Maze, clicking the green “Clone or Download” button, and selecting Download Zip. Once the zip file downloads, extract the maze_automate folder to the desired location.
  2. Install python3 and pip3 by going to https://www.python.org/downloads/mac-osx/ and selecting under Stable Releases > 3.7.7 > “Download macOS 64-bit installer” for 64-bit computers or “Download macOS 64-bit/32-bit installer” for 32-bit computers. Run the installer and complete the installation. (Earlier versions of Python 3 (3.6 etc) may also work, Python 3.8 or newer will not.)
    To check if pip3 is installed on the computer, open command prompt and type the following:
    pip3 --version

    Make sure pip3 is updated to the latest version, which could be done using the following command:

    python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip
  3. Install needed packages.
    pip3 install nltk
    pip3 install wordfreq
    pip3 install torch==1.3.1

    If any dialog box pops up to install gcc, follow their instructions. Continue under All Operating Systems.


  1. Download the files by going to https://github.com/vboyce/Maze, clicking the green “Clone or Download” button, and selecting Download Zip. Once the zip file downloads, extract the maze_automate folder to the desired location.
  2. Install python3 and pip3 (copy/paste the shown commands into terminal/command line one by one, when prompted, type your password).
    sudo apt-get install python3.7
    sudo apt update
    sudo apt-get install python3-pip

    (Note: Earlier versions of Python 3 (3.6 etc) may also work, Python 3.8 or newer will not.)

  3. Install needed packages.
    pip3 install nltk
    pip3 install torch==1.3.1
    pip3 install wordfreq

    Continue under All Operating Systems.

All Operating Systems

  1. Make commands executable Navigate into the maze_automate folder (command will differ depending on where you put the folder; use cd to move into a folder and ls to see the contents) Example
    cd (where the repository is stored)/Maze/maze_automate

    Make files exectutable

    chmod +x set_up.py
    chmod +x distract.py
  2. Download model files and complete installation From the maze_automate directory, run the appropriate command. For Windows, ignore the ./ part of the commands and use python3 ... instead.
    ./set_up.py --gulordava

    If there is an error indicating that it cannot import wget, use the command pip3 install wget. (If that doesn’t work, try also pip3 install python-wget.)

  3. Do a test run of distractor automation test_input.txt contains a few sample sentences; replace output_location.txt with the name of the file to write test Maze materials to. To test Gulordava model
    ./distract.py test_input.txt output_location.txt

    This may take a few minutes to run, but when it finishes you can check that the output file contains Maze materials for the input file.

Troubleshooting notes:

If you get errors about pytorch version 1.3.1 not being available, check what version of Python you have; if it’s 3.8 or newer, you need to downgrade to 3.7 to be able to install the right version of pytorch. I recommend using conda to create a separate environment for Maze.

If you get errors about no such file or directory, check that you ran set_up.py. (Note: if set_up.py isn’t working, you can also manually download the files mentioned in set_up.py and move them to the appropriate locations.)

If you get an error about 'LSTM' object has no attribute '_flat_weights_names' it means you need to downgrade torch to an older version (1.2 and 1.3.1 should work, 1.4 does not).