Github pages site for A-maze.
View the Project on GitHub vboyce/Maze
Thought pages
What is A-maze?
An argument for 'redo' mode
New delay feature for 'redo' mode
Experiment design
Parameter considerations
Practical pages
Install instructions
Basic use
Advanced options
Using Ibex for Maze
Hosting an Ibex-Maze Server
This is written with the assumption that you might be trying to mess with things or add new modules to maze automation.
Files and what they do: has function run_stuff that does everything writes output to delim or ibex format has classes Sentence, label, and Sentence_Set, handles a lot of the organizational heavy lifting
wordfreq_distractor: has a general dictionary implementation that does length and frequency comparisons (and also also supplies related frequency and threshold functions); instantiated for English and French in two subclasses french model subclass of lang_model has class for limiting repeats of distractors between items
Some obvious steps to mess with:
It shouldn’t be hard to set up Maze to work for non-English languages. The hard part is finding/making a good language model. As a proof-of-concept, a set-up for French maze is provided.
The key things to consider are:
It might be desirable to run A-maze experiments on a platform other than Ibex that is more up to date or familiar. It should be relatively easy to implement the Maze task on other frameworks that do reaction time measurements especially if they’re already set up for SPR.
If you do fix bugs, add new features, or new languages; please submit pull requests!